The “LIFE Eau&Climat” project aims at helping the actors of local water management to better take into account adaptation to climate change in their planning and to translate it into their actions. 21 SAGE are participating in this project. A new section dedicated to "LIFE Water&Climate" has just been put online on gesteau.fr.
The “LIFE Eau&Climat” project - Supporting long-term local decision-making for climate-adapted Water Management started on September 1, 2020 for a duration of 4 years. The objective of the project is to help stakeholders in local water resources management, in particular in the framework of SAGE, to assess the effects of climate change, to take them into account in their planning and to implement adaptation measures. The total budget of the project is 3.7 million euros, including 2 million euros financed by the European Union, with co-financing from the Water Agencies and the Agency for the Environment and Energy Management (ADEME).
A web page dedicated to the project was published on gesteau.fr in October 2020. It is now an entire section, accessible via the menu bar, which contains all the information about the project: https://www.gesteau.fr/life-eau-climat.
You will find for example:
- The presentation of the project and the list of the 21 SAGE that are part of it => https://www.gesteau.fr/life-eau-climat/presentation
- The description of the main actions (developing decision support tools, facilitating the mobilization of local stakeholders, strengthening knowledge transfer and exchanges between researchers and managers, improving access to hydro-climatic data, ensuring the replicability and transferability of results) and the expected results => https://www.gesteau.fr/life-eau-climat/actions
- The presentation of the 14 partners (Office Internationale de l’Eau, Meteo-France, INRAE, ACTERRA, HYDREOS, Etablissement public Loire, Etablissement Public Territorial de Bassin Charente, Etablissement Public Territorial du Bassin de la Vienne, Etablissement Public d'Aménagement et de Gestion des Eaux Loire-Lignon, Région Grand Est, Syndicat Mixte d'Aménagement de la Vallée de la Durance, Syndicat Mixte du Bassin Versant des Lacs du Born, Syndicat Mixte d'Etude et d'Aménagement de la Garonne and Syndicat Mixte Célé - Lot médian) and their involvement in the project => https: //www. gesteau.fr/life-water-climate/partners
During the project, the documents and tools produced will be published in the "Results" section => https://www.gesteau.fr/life-eau-climat/results.
A "Resources" section => https://www.gesteau.fr/life-eau-climat/resources proposes various elements around the theme "water and climate change", your contributions (documents, events, web articles...) are welcome!
The main pages will soon be available in English.
For any questions or additional information on the project, you can send a message to life-eau-climat@oieau.fr or use the Gest'eau contact form.
The “LIFE Eau&Eau project” (LIFE19 GIC/FR/001259) has received funding from the European Union's LIFE program.