At the mid-term of the LIFE "Eau&Climat" project, the partners met at the Meteopole of Toulouse from May 3rd to 5th, 2022, for the Third General Meeting. Which was organized by Météo-France and SMEAG.
The beginning of 2022 has been marked by several scientific publications on climate change (IPCC, ONERC...), but also by extreme events on several parts of the globe. The early drought currently occurring in France reminds us, how important it is to be prepared to adapt to such climatic extremes.
A General Meeting in Toulouse, gathering the scientific and territorial partners of the project.
The LIFE "Eau&Climat" project aims to help local water management stakeholders to evaluate the impacts of climate change, to take them into account in their planning and to develop adaptation measures. The project, which started in September 2020, is almost at mid-term. This was an opportunity to take stock during the Third General Meeting, organized by Météo-France and SMEAG. About twenty members of the project, representing the partner structures, met from May 3rd to 5th, 2022 at the Meteopole of Toulouse.
The publication of SIM2 data on the DRIAS portal of Météo-France, the launching of the white paper on modelling, prospective studies (INRAE and territorial partners) and other results
On Tuesday, May 3rd, Mr. Josse, Director of Climatology and Climate Services at Météo-France, introduced the General Assembly, followed by Mr. Cadoret, SAGE project manager for SMEAG. With a reminder of the importance of producing data on climate and hydrological projections and making them accessible to water management stakeholders.
The results and progresses in the year 2 of the project were presented by each partner: the work on the guide "Mobilization of the local stakeholders", the publication of the SIM2 data on the DRIAS website, the launching of the white paper draft on modelling, prospective studies (INRAE and territorial partners)...
After an update on each of the different actions, the partners went to the EDF Bazacle place ( on Wednesday, May 4th. Several introductory speeches were given, including those of Thierry Suaud, President of the CLE of the Garonne Valley SAGE and Jean-Michel Fabre, President of SMEAG. They were followed by presentations of the SMEAG's low water level support mission and the work on monitoring the temperature of waterways (Eaucéa). Exchanges with the audience and a presentation of the first station sheet (Portet-sur-Garonne) of the Explore2 project by Météo-France, have concluded the afternoon.
The 5th of May was consecrated to the technical and administrative audit of the project by a monitor from NEEMO EEIG (Monitoring LIFE Projects and Communicating about the LIFE Programme).
These three days allowed consolidating the links between partners, to show the achievements of the project and to take stock before the mid-term in September 2022. The next meeting of the partners will be the second meeting of the Institutional Working Group (IWG) on prospective studies, on June 13, 2022.
- Press invitation of April 29, 2022 for the Third General Assembly.