Within the framework of the European LIFE Eau&Climat project, the EPAGE Loire Lignon (public establishment for water development and management of Loire-Lignon) planned to extend its monitoring network for the tributaries of the Lignon and the Dunière. This will provide additional information on water resources and their evolution in the context of climate change.
All the equipment could be installed on 30 September on the Auze (Chambonnet), Siaulme (Ratapéalat), Brossettes (Pont de Chasse), Sérigoule (centre of Tence), Chansou (Culpéroux) and Dunerette (la Cote) streams. These 6 sites complete the network of 4 sites previously installed (Basset, Ligne, Mousse and Merles streams).
The equipments include a limnimetric scale (water height measurement scale), 2 coloured markers which allow to determine the observed water height compared to the average flow of the river (green sticker) or to its low water flow, meaning 10% of the average flow (red sticker). Below this value the situation becomes critical for the river ecosystem. An explanatory board has also been installed at each site, giving information on the consequences of water shortage, the alert levels and the possibility to participate in the monitoring of the rivers thanks to a QR Code. Thus, any person (resident, fisherman, hikers, etc.) passing by the equipped sites is invited to report their observation. Finally, thermal probes are used to monitor the temperature of each equipped tributary.
The regularly updated stations data are available on the EPAGE website at this address: https://www.epageloirelignon.fr/observatoire-du-lignon/suivi-participatif-des-debits-sur-le-bassin-du-lignon/
![Panneau station limnimétrique](https://www.gesteau.fr/sites/default/files/inline-images/tournee%20station%204oct22%20%283%29.jpg)
![Panneau EPAGE Loire Lignon](https://www.gesteau.fr/sites/default/files/inline-images/tournee%20station%204oct22%20%289%29.jpg)
![Station limnimétrique EPAGE Loire Lignon](https://www.gesteau.fr/sites/default/files/inline-images/tournee%20station%204oct22%20%2810%29.jpg)