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Session dedicated to the LIFE Eau&Climat project at the UNESCO ICIREWARD Centre's ‘Modelling for Change’ workshop

Page mise à jour le 27/11/2024

From 13 to 15 November 2024, an international workshop was held on the theme of ‘Modelling for change: what uses and impacts of modelling to promote hydro-social transitions?’, organised by the UNESCO ICIREWARD Centre, based in Montpellier. A presentation was given on the LIFE Eau&Climat project.

The UNESCO ICIREWARD (International Center for Interdisciplinary Research on Water Systems Dynamics) is a research and training centre dedicated to inland water in France. From 13 to 15 November, it organised an international training workshop in Montpellier, where scientists and public players were able to discuss new modelling procedures to promote the adaptation of socio-hydrosystems.

On Thursday 14 November, a day devoted to feedback from stakeholders in the field, a 1-hour session was devoted to the LIFE Eau&Climat project. After a presentation of the project by the coordinator, Sonia SIAUVE (OiEau), emphasis was placed on the way in which those involved in water management in the field had been involved and supported in using the hydroclimatic modelling results.

This was followed by the testimony of a territorial partner, Emilie DARNE (EPAGE Loire Lignon), who had to use such results to carry out her prospective study (as part of the action to strengthen the transfer of knowledge and exchanges between researchers and managers) and had to explain them to the stakeholders in her territory, in particular the members of their local water commission.

Finally, Pascal DUMOULIN (SMAVD) presented the use they have made of the modelling results (from Explore2) to meet the knowledge needs expressed by their local councillors in anticipating the impacts of climate change.

Workshop Unesco
Speech by Pascal Dumoulin (source: SMAVD)
Workshop Unesco
Speech by Pascal Dumoulin (source: SMAVD)

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