Launched in 2021, the study on adapting livestock farming in the Célé basin to climate change is continuing.
The farm diagnostics, carried out between October 2022 and March 2023, present a description of the farms : main production, characterization of production systems and farming practices (tillage, irrigation, ...) and the farm environment (soil type, relief, ...). This stage was carried out on the basis of indicators imposed by the Syndicat mixte Célé - Lot médian (e.g.: % of UAA at high or very high risk of erosion; share of monoculture in crop rotation; grazed area / UGB; ...).
The simulation phase of changes in practices (with low, medium and high ambitions, for 2030 and 2050) has been completed. The organizations responsible for carrying out the simulations were free to choose the methodology to be applied. They used either the "Dialecte" tool (Solagro) or the CAP2R tool (Institut de l'élevage).
The simulation stage will enable the study to be continued via the following phases :
- a summary of the results (August 2023);
- 2nd phase of visits to farms for assessment and advice (between November and December 2023);
- organization of training sessions and technical meetings based on the results of the study (February 2024).
The study will be completed in April 2024.
The aim for the Syndicat mixte Célé - Lot médian will be to use the results, communicate them widely and raise awareness among livestock farmers in the Célé basin of the need to adapt their practices to climate change.