INRAE is a public scientific and technological institution, created on 1 January 2020 from the merger of INRA (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique – National institute of agronomic research) and Irstea (Institut national de Recherche en Sciences et Technologies pour l'Environnement et l'Agriculture - National institute of research in science and technology for the environment and agriculture). INRAE is the French National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food, and Environment and is a major player in research and innovation.
According to its founding decree, the main mission of INRAE is to “to carry out, organise and coordinate, on its own initiative or at the request of the State, all scientific and technological research in the fields of agriculture, food, forestry, environment, water, biodiversity, bioeconomy, circular economy, sustainable management of territories and risks in the above-mentioned fields of competence”.
The institute:
- produces, publishes and disseminates scientific knowledge resulting from its research and expertise
- organises open access to scientific data and publications
- contributes to the development of national and European research policy and strategy
- supports higher education and training in and through research in its fields of competence
- establishes and implements partnerships with higher education establishment and research institutions
- helps to the development of technological and social innovations through the use of its skills, know-how and research results
- contributes to the development of scientific and technological expertises, conducts expert assessments and helps to standardisation activities, in support of public policies, foundations and associations recognised as being of public utility, to meet the challenges of sustainable development
- participates in debates about the place of science and technology in society.
Website: https://www.inrae.fr/
INRAE is one of the scientific and technical partners.
INRAE is particularly involved in the following actions:
- Development and validation of decision support tools -> expectations, recommendations for the development of tools
- Facilitating access to hydro-climatic data -> selection of hydrological simulations, definition of relevant indicators, user support
- Strengthen exchanges between researchers and managers -> supervision of the action, support for modelling and decision making, help to territorial partners in demonstrating the local mobilisation of researchers.
INRAE will also make the connection with the Explore 2 project (hydro-climatic projections for surface water and groundwater) which takes place alongside with the LIFE Eau&Climat project.