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Partners of the LIFE Eau&Climat project – SmCLm

Page mise à jour le 01/08/2024


The Syndicat mixte Célé - Lot médian (SmCLm – Célé and middle section of the Lot river basin governance body) is a public institution created in November 2018 to replace the Syndicat mixte du bassin de la Rance et du Célé (Rance and Célé river basin governance body), which had already been working on the Célé river basin since 2007.

The SmCLm's territory of intervention covers an area of 2,326 km² and includes 10 communities of municipalities or agglomerations, 174 municipalities, for a total population of 92,471 residents. More than 2,389 km of permanent waterways are present on its territory.

The Syndicat mixte Célé - Lot médian is responsible for implementing the GEMAPI competency (Gestion des Milieux Aquatiques et Prévention des Inondations - Management of Water Environments and Flood Prevention) throughout its territory and leads territorial initiatives in the Célé basin: SAGE, contract for territorial water management for the rehabilitation and enhancement of aquatic environments, agricultural programmes …

Its labelling as an EPAGE (Etablissement Public d’Aménagement et de Gestion de l’Eau - public establishment for water development and management) is initiated.

Its competences are:

  • Plan and conduct restoration and maintenance work on aquatic and alluvial environments
  • Develop and animate a SAGE and tools for concerted water management
  • Monitor and inform on the quality of surface and groundwater, on water management, aquatic environments and wetlands
  • Advise and offer technical assistance to local communities and users of the territory
  • Monitor maintenance work on leisure areas built on the banks of rivers or water bodies and the equipment specific to these areas
  • Reconcile and enhance water-related uses.


Experience sheet on climate change adaptation and water resources management (FR)


Source : SMCLM
  • Surface area: 2326 km² (territoire du Syndicat mixte )ou 1 218 km² (territoire du SAGE Célé)
  • River basin district: Adour-Garonne
  • Number of SAGE supported: 1
  • SAGE involved in the LIFE Eau&Climat project: SAGE Célé
  • Other management tools concerned by the project: 
  • The territory’s issues concerning the climate change:
    • water resources (drinking water, livestock watering, aquatic environments, aquatic leisure activities)
    • flooding 
    • preservation of aquatic environments.


SmCLm is particularly involved in the following actions:

  • Development and validation of decision support tools -> expectations and recommendations for tools
  • Mobilisation of local stakeholders -> installation of ten rainwater recovery systems; technical and economic study on the adaptation of livestock farms in the Célé basin river to climate change; diagnostics of 4 water bodies with the possibility of carrying out the work identified as necessary in these diagnostics. In 2022 these mobilisation actions will take concrete form: in the autumn the first water recovery units will be installed in the Quezac eco-neighbourhood and the studies prior to the work will be launched in the other communes; the diagnostics of the 9 farms selected for the study on the adaptation of livestock farms will be carried out during the summer; the diagnostics of the water bodies have started and will continue throughout the year.
  • Facilitating access to hydro-climatic data -> monitoring of several parameters on 4 water bodies before and after work to estimate the impact of these reservoirs on the ecological status of the water bodies and the interest of the developments carried out under the action on the mobilisation of local stakeholders.The thermal monitoring started in spring 2022 and will continue throughout the summer.