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Extension of the support approach for local authorities to save water in the Vienne basin

Page mise à jour le 17/12/2024

The end of the LIFE Eau&Climat project is fast approaching, and follow-up action is already emerging within certain demonstration areas. This is the case for the EPTB Vienne, which will be extending its approach to supporting local authorities in their efforts to save water.

This year, the EPTB Vienne produced the guide ‘Water resources and climate change: adaptation solutions’ as part of the ‘Facilitating the mobilisation of local players’ action of the LIFE Eau&Climat project. This guide offers practical tools and recommendations to help local authorities anticipate and respond effectively to current and future climate challenges.

=> Consult the guide 

Fiches actions économies d'eau
Summary of action sheets for local authorities - Guide de l'EPTB Vienne

At the same time, the EPTB Vienne has launched a water-saving initiative to help local authorities and groups of local authorities wishing to reduce their water consumption. This assistance, entrusted to a service provider, has enabled 14 local authorities to benefit from personalised support. As a result of the action taken, potential water savings of up to 30% of normal consumption have been identified.

The results of the support and publication of the guide are satisfactory. The EPTB Vienne has therefore decided to extend its support for local authorities to all the municipalities in the Vienne basin, offering new services such as the management of green spaces and the elimination of leaks. The aim is to further reduce water consumption in public buildings, public spaces and sports facilities.

In February 2025, an agreement will be proposed to volunteer municipalities and inter-municipal bodies. If your municipality is concerned, don't hesitate to take part!