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Find the interventions of the Gest'eau meeting on the management of water bodies in the context of climate change!

Page mise à jour le 12/02/2024

The Gest'eau meeting on the management of water bodies in the context of climate change was held on January 14, 2022. This webconference brought together nearly 90 participants. The recordings of the presentations are now available.

The Gest'eau Rendezvous are webconferences that allow stakeholders in integrated water management to exchange on a given topic and share their experiences. They are organized by the Gest'eau team of the International Office for Water with the financial support of the French Office for Biodiversity and the support of the Ministry of Ecological Transition.

The Rendezvous of January 14, 2022 was about the management of water bodies and, in particular, with the issues related to climate change. What are the regulations surrounding water bodies? What are their impacts? What management within the framework of SAGE? What actions should be taken to solve thermal and eutrophication problems…? 

The webconference consisted of four presentations. You can consult the recordings and the presentation materials:

  •  Introduction on the stakes and regulations - Claire-Cécile GARNIER, Head of the Water Resources and Aquatic Environments Office and Emma GAHINET, Head of the Water Policy Territorial Coordination, Water and Biodiversity Directorate - Ministry of Ecological Transition  
  •  Impact of water bodies - Florence HABETS, Director of research at the CNRS and professor at the Ecole normale supérieure of Paris 
  •  Feedback (RETEX) from the EPTB Vienne - Stéphane LORIOT, Director of the EPTB Vienne 
  • RETEX of the Syndicat mixte Célé - Lot médian - Mélanie FAYET, Territorial Coordinator of the Célé River Contract and Nicolas TOURNIER, Deputy Director, in charge of the coordination of the GEMAPI pole, Syndicat mixte Célé - Lot médian 

Note that the EPTB Vienne and the Syndicat mixte Célé - Lot médian are partners of the “LIFE Eau&Climat” project and refer to it in their RETEX.

Find the other Gest'eau meetings on the dedicated page !