During the month of June 2022, the LIFE Eau&Climat project was presented at several events : the seminar Climate Change and Water Resources in the Vienne River Basin, the 101st ASTEE Congress, the InterLIFE 2022 and the "Carrefour des Gestion Locales de l'Eau" (CGLE).
In addition to the second seminar "Climate change and water resources in the Vienne river basin" organized by the EPTB Vienne, the LIFE Eau&Climat project was present at three national events.
The project was highlighted at the 101st Congress of the Scientific and Technical Association for water and the Environment (ASTEE) from June 14 to 16 in Dunkerque, on the OiEau stand and by the intervention of Sonia Siauve, the project coordinator (OiEau)
- See the presentation material
- More informations about the Congress : https://www.astee.org/evenements/101e-congres-dunkerque-2022/
Then, the SMEAG, went to the InterLIFE meetings in Toulouse from June 22 to 24 on the theme "Nature in the city and adaptation to climate change". The session n°9 of the meeting aimed to make the speakers exchange on the question : "which tools to integrate the stakes of adaptation to the climate change/biodiversity in the tools of the local authorities?"
After recalling what a SAGE was and presenting the territory of the SAGE Garonne, Maxime Pantarotto, in charge of the SAGE and LIFE Eau&Climat project, presented the project and the different tools that the SAGE structures can use to better integrate the issue of climate change in their management. Mathieu Beaujard, in charge of the animation of the Natura 2000 network and of the wetland component of the SAGE, detailed the tools deployed by the SAGE to better integrate biodiversity. Alice Ferrand from the LIFE ARTISAN team presented the results of a study on the integration of climate change adaptation and nature-based adaptation solutions (SafN) in SCoTs and PLU(i).
- More informations on InterLIFE meetings : https://www.toulouse-metropole.fr/-/environnement-europe?redirect=%2Fmissions%2Fenvironnement%2Factualites
Finally, it is at the 23rd edition of the Carrefour des Gestions Locales de l'Eau in Rennes (CGLE) on June 29th and 30th, that Sonia Siauve, represented the LIFE Eau&Climat project during the closing plenary session "Which answers to the climate challenge for water in the European Union?"
- To know more about CGLE : https://www.idealco.fr/evenements/carrefour-des-gestions-locales-de-l-eau-2i22-178