Within the framework of the LIFE Eau&Climat project, the EPTB Vienne (public territorial institution of the Vienne river basin) has carried out a prospective study on climate change and its effects on water resources in the Vienne river basin.
The EPTB Vienne was in charge of a prospective study on the effects of climate change on the water resources of the Vienne river basin for the years 2050 and 2100.
The results of the study are presented in 22 summary sheets which explain, on the one hand, the evolution of the climate in the basin and, on the other, the projections for 2050 and beyond.
These summary sheets are available on the EPTB Vienne website.
The results of this study were also promoted during various events organised in the basin: "Water and Climate" seminar organised by the EPTB Vienne on 21 June 2022, meeting of the Haute-Vienne fishing associations, Limousin mountain festival, Loire-Bretagne Water Agency water meetings, etc.