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Report on information session at Agence de l'eau Adour-Garonne

Page mise à jour le 19/02/2024

The first information session of the LIFE Eau&Climat project was held at the Agence de l'eau Adour-Garonne in Toulouse on November 16. This was an opportunity for the partners to present the tools and demonstration actions carried out during the project. Presentation materials are available.

As early as 2050, the Adour-Garonne basin will experience a decrease in river flow of the order of -20 to -40% and a potential deficit of 1.2 billion m3 at low-water periods. To meet this challenge, in 2018 the Basin Committee adopted a Climate Change Adaptation Plan (PACC), which has been incorporated into the SDAGE 2022-2027. This PACC was supplemented in 2023 to incorporate the latest scientific knowledge and provide a progress report.

It was against this backdrop that the Adour-Garonne Agency and HYDREOS co-organized an information session on the LIFE Eau&Climat project on Thursday, November 16, 2023. "It's the SAGEs and PTGEs that need to take on board climate issues and implement actions on a local scale", announced Lucile GREMY, Director of the Water and Environment Intervention and Expertise Department, at the start of the day.

During this session, 80 people attended and exchanged views on water management and climate change. Participants were mainly SAGE coordinators and Water Agency staff, but also representatives of the departmental council, the chairman of the scientific council, the Cesbio laboratory...

Session information AEAG
Introduction to the session - Source : HYDREOS
Session information AEAG
Project presentation by Sonia Siauve, project coordinator - Source : HYDREOS

In the first part, scientific partners Acterra, INRAE, Météo-France and OiEau presented the main tools developed for water managers. Participants were able to discover tools focusing on hydro-climatic data: where to find it, how to collect it and how to manipulate it. Discussions then moved on to the "post-data" phase. Once vulnerability assessments, adaptation trajectories or prospective studies have been carried out, what do we do? Anne-Paule METTOUX-PETCHIMOUTOU, a sociologist at OiEau, spoke about her work on mobilizing stakeholders, and the importance of thinking upstream about how to involve them in a project.

Then, various regional partners - EPTB Charentes, SMAVD, SMEAG and Syndicat Mixte Célé-Lot médian - shared their experience and, above all, critical and concrete feedback on their action(s). Finally, to round off a day rich in exchanges, Guillaume CHOISY, General Manager of the Adour Garonne Water Agency, took the floor to salute the importance of these projects and actions in the current climate change context: "We need to accept, communicate and better explain these adaptation trajectories. It's not too late, we still have ten years to adapt, let's not wait any longer!

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