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Partners of the LIFE Eau&Climat project – EPTB Vienne

Page mise à jour le 26/06/2024

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The Etablissement Public Territorial du Bassin de la Vienne (public territorial institution of the Vienne river basin) was created on 10 September 2007. It aims to facilitate the action of local authorities in water management and, more generally, of water stakeholders, on the scale of the Vienne river basin. 

EPTB Vienne is a group of local authorities comprised of the Nouvelle-Aquitaine and Centre-Val de Loire regions, the departments of Vienne, Charente, Indre-et-Loire and Creuse, the urban communities of Grand Poitiers and Limoges Métropole, the agglomeration communities of Grand Châtellerault and Grand Guéret, the community of municipalities of Charente Limousine and the syndicat mixte d’aménagement de la Vienne  (SABV - EPAGE).

Its missions are: 

  • To promote the establishment and coordination of integrated water management procedures in the basin river. In this context, the EPTB Vienne coordinates the 4 SAGEs of the Vienne basin (Vienne, Creuse, Clain and Vienne Tourangelle) and other management program such as the PAPI Vienne aval (Programme d’Actions de Prévention des Inondations – action programme for the prevention of flooding). It also provides technical and legal support to local stakeholders in order to help them in their organisation and the development of intervention programmes (territorial contracts, river contracts, etc.).
  • To ensure the management of structuring studies on the whole basin river. I order to improve the knowledge and to steer actions in terms of water and aquatic environment management, studies are carried out under the coordination of the EPTB Vienne on the scale of the river basin, or part of it.
  • To develop thematic and strategic actions for water management according to territorial issues (ponds, invasive exotic plants, wetlands, floods, migratory fish).
  • To communicate and raise awareness.  With the help of various information media, the EPTB Vienne promotes the actions implemented and makes available on its website a water observatory for the Vienne basin.  





Territoire EPTB Vienne
Source : EPTB Vienne
  • Surface area: 21 160 km²
  • River basin district: Loire-Bretagne
  • Number of SAGE supported: 4
  • SAGE involved in the LIFE Eau&Climat project: SAGE VienneSAGE Clain, SAGE Creuse et SAGE Vienne Tourangelle
  • Other management tools concerned by the project:
    • 33 CTMA (Contrats territoriaux milieux aquatiques - Territorial contracts for aquatic environments)
    • PAPI Vienne aval (Programme d’Actions de Prévention des Inondations -  action programme for flood prevention) 
    • Stratégie étangs - Strategy for pond management
  • The territory’s issues concerning the climate change:
    • decrease in the available resource during the summer period, which can have a direct impact on uses such as drinking water supply, agriculture, livestock watering, forestry, industry, leisure activities (fishing, etc.)
    • increase in the number of droughts affecting all aquatic environments and species
    • highlighting of water quality problems due to dilution default and to the increase of water temperatures (e.g. development of cyanobacteria in a lot of water bodies).


EPTB Vienne is particularly involved in the following actions: 

  • the realisation of a prospective study on climate change and its effects on water resources
  • the development of a methodological tool (in the form of a guide) aimed at helping local stakeholders to initiate a concrete programme of action for adaptation to climate change and a support for the actors concerned by its implementation.
  • In the  SAGE Vienne, the methodological contributions to the CLE (Commission Local de l’Eau - local water commission) for the definition of measures for adaptation to climate change.