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Check out the video portraits of the project partners!

Page mise à jour le 09/12/2024

Who are the partners in the LIFE Eau&Climat project? What actions have they undertaken, how have they been carried out and what are their future plans? Discover the people behind LIFE Eau&Climat in ten short videos.

Ten video testimonials from partners in the LIFE Eau&Climat project are available on the Gest'eau playlist on the OiEau YouTube channel. This format is intended to be concise, giving an overview of the actions carried out during the project. The videos are also available on the partner pages of the LIFE Eau&Climat project.

  • OiEau, Sonia Siauve, coordinator du projet LIFE Eau&Climat
  • EPTB Vienne, Stéphane Loriot, director
  • OiEau, Anne-Paule Mettoux-Petchimoutou, sociologist
  • SMAVD, Pascal Dumoulin,  head of water resources
  • SMEAG, Maxime Pantarotto, SAGE LIFE Eau&Climat project manager
  • SmCLm, Caroline Maumus, territorial coordinator
  • EPAGE Loire-Lignon, Émilie Darne, SAGE coordinator
  • EPTB Charente, Amélie Jugniot, hydrogeology project manager
  • SMBVLB, Aurélie Verstraet, SAGE coordinator
  • Actierra, Stéphane Simonet,director of the Climate and Territory Division
Extracts from the ‘Partner testimonials’ videos

In four minutes, the partners answer four questions about their experiences and work over the four years of the project. We invite you to watch these testimonials to find out more about the challenges facing their region, its needs, achievements and future prospects.