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Discover the first versions of the LIFE Eau&Climat project decision-support guides

Page mise à jour le 20/02/2024

The first versions of the guide to diagnosing local vulnerabilities and the guide on the principle of adaptation trajectories to climate change, both produced by Acterra, are now available.

As part of the LIFE Eau&Climat project's "Developing decision-making tools" initiative, Acterra is working on two guides to help local water management players plan their territory's adaptation to climate change. These guides are being developed in collaboration with several other partners (EP Loire, SMEAG, INRAE, Météo France, SMAVD, SmClm, OiEau).

In particular, these tools are currently being tested on several of the SAGEs involved in the project: SAGE Yèvre Auron, SAGE Sioule and SAGE Vallée de la Garonne. The guides will be adjusted in line with their feedback. The final versions will be published in 2024.

Guide to diagnosing vulnerabilities to climate change for local water management

A diagnosis of vulnerabilities makes it possible to define priority areas for action on adaptation in the water sector at the level of management entities. This guide proposes a method for conducting a territorialized diagnosis of water-related vulnerabilities to climate change, combining a technical approach with the co-construction and mobilization of local stakeholders.

=> Consult the guide :

Climate change adaptation strategy guide for local water management

This guide presents a method and an analytical framework for building a climate change adaptation strategy, which local authorities are invited to take in hand and adapt to their own contexts, needs and resources. It will accompany a web-based tool currently under construction.

=> Consult the guide :