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Partners of the LIFE Eau&Climat project – EP Loire

Page mise à jour le 26/07/2024

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The Etablissement public Loire (EP Loire) is a public territorial basin establishment which assists about fifty authorities (regions, departments, towns, inter-municipalities and inter-municipal unions) that currently compose the territory. For more than 35 years, it has been contributing to the coherence of actions carried out throughout the Loire river basin and its tributaries. As a project owner for operations conducted on this scale, with an interregional or interdepartmental character, its innovative achievements are focused on: management of water resources at the Naussac and Villerest structures (low water support and flood control), flood risk prevention and reduction, water development and management, stimulation of research, development and innovation, and heritage valorization.




  • Surface area: 117 000 km²
  • River basin district: Loire-Bretagne
  • Number of SAGE supported : 10
  • SAGE involved in the LIFE Eau&Climat project: SAGE LoirSAGE Allier aval, SAGE Haut Allier, SAGE Yèvre AuronSAGE Cher amont, SAGE Cher aval, SAGE Loire amont, SAGE Loire en Rhône AlpesSAGE SiouleSAGE Loiret  
  • Other management tools concerned by the project:
    • PTGE (Projet de Territoire pour la Gestion de l'Eau – territory project to help for the water management) of Allier Aval
    • CTGQQ (Contrat Territorial de Gestion Quantitative et Qualitative de l’eau - territorial contract for quantitative and qualitative water management) of Cher
    • Management of the recharged Allier and Loire axes
  • The territory’s issues concerning the climate change: water resources, environmental quality, uses. 


EP Loire is particularly involved in the following actions: 

  • Development and validation of decision support tools -> expectations, recommendations, demonstration and validation of tools in the Loir SAGE territory
  • Facilitating access to hydro-climatic data -> specification of needs in terms of data and indicators, integration of data for HMUC study (hydrology, environments, uses, climate) on the scale of the Allier river basin district (SAGE Allier Aval et Haut Allier), integration of data in order to reinforce the awareness of the actors for the implementation of the CTGQQ and the SAGEs Yèvre Auron and Cher amont, mobilise the updated climate projections data to improve the study impact of climate change on the management of the Naussac and Villerest structures
  • Strengthen exchanges between researchers and managers -> organisation of a day of exchanges between researchers and water shakeholders on the theme of "water and climate change", and implementation of a climate component in the Cher amont and Aval SAGEs..